SEASU is a therapeutic and transformative paddling program for veterans living in the wake of physical, emotional, and spiritual trauma.


Please watch our introductory video to experience the essence of our beginner lessons, group trainings, and moments together on a sea of change.


Watch another video to learn more about our program, Surfskis, and healing on the sea.


SEASU is inspired by Sisu — a Finnish concept best understood as extraordinary courage, undying resilience, and resolute purpose when adversity is unthinkable — and success unlikely.

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We exist to serve veterans from around the world living in the wake of physical, emotional and spiritual trauma — by way of an rehabilitative paddling program designed to rekindle belonging, challenge boundaries and achieve balance within an ever-changing sea.

OUR INNOVATIVE PROGRAM calls upon the therapeutic and transformative qualities of the sea and spirited paddling to help individuals living with complex and multi-faceted service related conditions including acute physical injury and PTSD.

Working with our Certified Coaches, Psychological and Physiotherapy Advisors — participants test and strengthen their bodies while confronting the implications of emotional trauma and physical challenges within an environment of shared understanding, compassion, purpose and experience.

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Show your support through financial donations or by joining one of international bases.