OUR INNOVATIVE PROGRAM calls upon the therapeutic and transformative qualities of the sea and spirited paddling to help individuals living with complex and multi-faceted service related conditions including acute physical injury and PTSD.


Working with our Certified Coaches, Psychological and Physiotherapy Advisors — participants test and strengthen their bodies while confronting the implications of emotional trauma and physical challenges within an environment of shared understanding, compassion, purpose and experience.



Our Craft & Equipment

A SurfSki is a long, narrow and lightweight technical craft similar to a kayak with an open “sit-on-top" cockpit. Propelled by two-sided paddles and designed to cut through water with incredible efficiently, they quickly became a standard equipment for lifesaving. Today they are paddled worldwide by health enthusiasts, outdoor lovers and elite athletes.

SurfSkis are built to seat one or two people and can be adapted for individuals missing limbs or using prosthetics to utilize the craft’s pedal and pulley rudder system. We have even created seating platforms for paraplegic individuals.

All paddlers are required to wear a Personal Flotation Devise (PFD) and carry a mobile phone within a waterproof sleeve incase of emergencies.

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Training & Guidance



New recruit’s work with our trainers to assess abilities and equipment needs. One-on-one training will last for 3 to 5 sessions before recruits begin paddling with larger guided groups of up to 10 individuals.

Intermediate Training

Intermediate training sees paddlers moving beyond stability and water acclimation to practice techniques, advance conditioning and an understanding of the sea. Guided groups are comprised of 10 to 15 individuals.


Advanced training fine tunes paddling techniques while promoting sessions over longer distances, times and speeds. Advanced paddlers will be able to train under more diverse conditions with confidence and joy.

Competition &
Guide Training

The most proficient and skillful paddlers will advance to compete in International events or study to become SEASU UNITED certified trainers — making the program a full-circle empowerment and service platform.

Basic Base Structure*

* The following overview represents a basic minimum for individual base structures — structures are adaptable to regions, resources and membership.

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A > Independent Club or
B > Existing Club Affiliation or
C > Mobile Unit / Trailer



1 > Base Leader
2 > Senior Trainers
6 > Volunteer Guides
1 > Psychological Advisor
1 > Physiotherapy Advisor

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8 > Single Seat SurfSkis
2 > Double Seat SurfSkis
10 > Paddles
10 > Personal Flotation Devices